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Andy and Ben: Teamwork Wins! Always!

Once upon a time, in a small town, there were two friends named Andy and Ben. Andy and Ben were the best of friends in the town, but they were always a bit competitive in nature.

Andy and Ben: Teamwork Wins! Always!

Once upon a time, in a small town, there were two friends named Andy and Ben. Andy and Ben were the best of friends in the town, but they were always a bit competitive in nature.
One day, while wandering in the town's orchards, they came across a large and delicious apple tree. Andy started picking the biggest apples at the top and said, "My apples are the best!"
Ben, without paying attention to Andy's words, began picking the apples at the bottom and replied, "My apples are the best!"
The wise old man of the town overheard their arguments and approached them. He said, "Friends, instead of arguing, you can cooperate. Each of you has different skills. Andy, you are good at picking the apples up high, and Ben, you are good at picking the ones down below. If you work together, you can gather more apples."
Andy and Ben accepted the old man's advice and started working together. Andy collected the apples at the top, and Ben gathered the ones at the bottom. Together, they gathered more apples and returned to their town.
Everyone in the town noticed that Andy and Ben had gathered more apples by working together. They appreciated their teamwork. Andy and Ben set aside their competition and worked together to achieve more.
This story teaches us the importance of cooperation among people and how combining different skills can lead to greater success. Andy and Ben, having discovered the power of friendship and collaboration, lived happily and brought more apples to their town.

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